Preparing for the Busselton Jetty Swim

Training and proper nutrition will make your Jetty Swim experience more enjoyable, regardless of the distance you’re swimming.

We have partnered with Swimming Women and Healthway Fuel to Go & Play to help you get from zero to finish line hero.

Training Tips & Programs from Swimming Women

Swimming Women is a beloved southwest institution fostering a ‘no pressure’ environment for women (and men!) to have fun, improve swimming, and get fit.

Founder, coach and head mermaid, Charlotte O’Beirne, grew up swimming in the UK and has completed two (20km) Rottnest Channel solos swims and an additional eight Rotto swims in a duo or team. She has also completed the Busselton Jetty Swim several times and even won her female age group.

Swim Training Programs

Charlotte has created an 8-week training program for each distance – Simon’s 500m Shortcut, One Mile Swim to Shore and the signature 3.6km solo swim.  If you you’re swimming a relay team, you can use 500m or 1.8km programs depending on the distance your doing.  Click on the links below to download your program.

Tips for the Jetty Swim 

Charlotte has also create a suite of YouTube videos with helpful tips for the Busselton Jetty Swim. These videos are designed to help you have the best Jetty Swim experience. 



Good nutrition is like the secret sauce for athletes, of any ability. It’s not just about eating; it’s about fueling up right for better workouts, quicker recovery, and staying healthy.

To perform at your best you’ll need a combination of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and water to stay fuelled and hydrated.  Read our top tips (below) thanks Healthway and Fuel to Go Play, or use the links for more resources and downloads

Nutrition 2


Fuel up before exercise with

  • Cereal with milk or bircher muesli
  • Eggs on toast
  • Fruit salad
  • Pikelets with fruit and yoghurt.
  • Egg and spinach wrap
  • Cheesy baked beans on toast
  • Milk based drinks
  • Yoghurt 
  • Porridge

During exercise

Keep your tank topped up with fruit and stay hydrated by sipping on water.

As a swimmer, you usually don’t notice that you’re sweating, which means you may not realize you’re getting dehydrated.

You need to replenish your fluids and the best way to do that is with water! 




Remember the 4 R’s of Recovery

  • Refuel with carbohydrates
  • Repair with protein
  • Revitalise with fruit and veg
  • Rehydrate with water