Everything you need to know to enter the Busselton Jetty Swim

Depending on the distance you wish to swim, entry into the Jetty Swim is either via ballot or general entry.

Ballot Registrations
open 1 – 8 October

(Solo Swim 3.6km | One Mile Swim to Shore)

General registrations
open 16 October 2024  to 21 January 2025 

(Team Swim | Simon’s Shortcut Swim 500m | Kids Swim)

To manage demand fairly, entry is via an online ballot, which runs from 1 to 8 October 2024.

  • During the Ballot Period, click ‘Enter Event’ and register. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact rego@busseltonjettyswim.org.au
  • Ballot entries will be allocated at random, and all entrants will be notified of ballot results by email from 16 October.
  • Payment details are required to enter the Ballot; however, payment will only be processed once you are successfully allocated a place in the event.
  • Payments will be processed from 16 October 2024.
  • Unsuccessful entrants will be added to a waitlist (if selected during registration)

Please note:

  • One ballot entry per person. Anyone with duplicate entries may be banned from future events 
  • Minimum age is 12 years for the 3.6km Solo Swim
  • Minimum age is 8 years for the 1.6km One Mile Swim to Shore.
  • All swimmers aged 8-12 years must provide a completed stage 10 swimming certificate and letter from a swim coach or swim instructor stating that they can competently complete their chosen distance as an open water swim.
  • Evidence must be sent to juniors@busseltonjettyswim.org.auby 21 January 2025
  • Also see our rules
  • You may withdraw or cancel your ballot entry via the registration platform or by emailing rego@busseltonjettyswim.org.au
  • Entering the ballot does not guarantee entry into the swim.

Online entries open 16 October 2024 and will remain open until 21 January 2025, unless sold out sooner

All swimmers aged 8-12 years (Juniors) must provide evidence of competency.

  • Kids Swim and Simon’s 500m Shortcut Swim: Level 8 Swimming Certificate as per Royal Life Saving or equivalent
  • Team Swims: Level 10 Swimming Certificate as per Royal Life Saving or equivalent AND a letter from a swim coach or instructor stating that they are competent to complete their chosen event and distance as an open water swim

Parents or guardians must email all required documents to juniors@busseltonjettyswim.org.au by 21 January 2025. Parents or guardians will also be required to sign the declaration/waiver at swimmer check-in. 

Busselton Jetty Swim’s marginal fees ensures our not-for-profit event remains affordable for participants, whilst covering our costs.

If there is a small surplus it is reinvested into future events or supports local community initiatives

How To Enter 1
  • The minimum age for swimmers is 8 years old on event day
  • The minimum age for the Solo 3.6km Swim is 12 years.
  • All swimmers aged 8-12 years (Juniors) must provide evidence of competency
    • Kids Swim  and Simon’s 500m Shortcut Swim: 
    • Level 8 Swimming Certificate as per Royal Life Saving or equivalent
    • Solo Swim, One Mile Swim to Shore and Team Swims: Level 10 Swimming Certificate as per Royal Life Saving or equivalent AND a letter from a swim coach or instructor stating that they are competent to complete their chosen event and distance as an open water swim
  • Only competent swimmers who are fit and adequately trained should enter.
  • One ballot entry per person. Anyone with duplicate entries may be banned from future events 
  • Minimum age is 12 years for the 3.6km Solo Swim
  • Minimum age is 8 years for the 1.6km One Mile Swim To Shore.
  • All swimmer ages 8 to 12 will need a letter from a swimming coach or swim instructor stating that they are competent to complete their registered event and distance.

For the overall safety and effective management of the event the race organisers reserve the right to restrict entries and/or refuse entry to any swimmer.

Date Action
1 October 2024 Ballot period opens for 3.6km Solo Swim and One Mile Swim to Shore (1.6km)
8 October 2024 Ballot Period concudes (ballot closes)
16 October 2024 All entrants notified by email of ballot results
16 October 2024 Waitlist live on event website
16 October 2024 General entries open for Team Swims, Simon's 500m Shortcut Swim and Kids Swim
10 December 2024 Cut-off for withdrawal with refund (minus $15 administration fee)
7 January 2025 Cut-off for withdrawal with 50% refund
21 January 2025 Registrations and Waitlists close
21 January 2025 Entries close for Team Swims, Simon's 500m Shortcut Swim and Kids Swim (if not sold sooner)
8 February 2025 Team Swims, Simon's 500m Shortcut Swim and Kids Swim
9 February 2025 3.6km Solo Swim and One Mile Swim to Shore (1.6km)